We love working with Greek couples that live abroad and come back to Greece for their wedding celebration. They wanted to maintain Greek traditions but at the same time incorporate American wedding style. Glamorous bridesmaids, compact floral arrangements, stunning bridal dress, church flower arch , dance floor chandelier decoration, pre wedding and after wedding events…
We met Kostas after the third Skype! A really busy man working hard so he can offer everything Angela wanted. ( told us: whatever Angela wants, no limitations!)

Brides coming from the USA most of the times have envisioned their wedding day and this is very helpful on the wedding design and wedding decoration. Angela knew that white is her only color, an all time classic choice. We loved the fact that bridesmaids were also dressed in white and we had the chance to make a photo session on a villa from Venetian times, reminding of Tuscany, Italy. She had 10 bridesmaids and all of them looked amazing!
We decorated a vintage Mercedes as her bridal car and we had arranged 7 cantors singing traditional Greek wedding songs walking her way to the church!
Laughing and enjoying his wedding moments all the weekend Kostas was the most relaxed groom we have ever met..he was worrying if we had a good time!

We had time to relax with the couple after the wedding at the brunch party and Kostas told us their wedding proposal day. It happened in Acropolis- Parthenon! We are still friends and we can’t wait to meet them again.. we felt part of the family those 3 days and we can never forget that..

Something to remember : The singer Ilias Vrettos was there as a wedding guest, but it was impossible not to dedicate a few songs for the beloved couple..